I have been cooking a lot lately but not blogging much about it.
Bad blogger, bad.
I have been making all kinds of food that worked and made complete gluttons out of S and me and, ehm, some that didn't.
I'll share those that did work because I'm vain and too proud to share with you my kitchen fiascos.
Well, the truth is I just rarely take pictures of the flops.
They annoy the hell out of me.

Greek gemista. My favorite dish, ever. I used to go straight for the stuffed peppers but now I prefer the stuffed tomatoes. People have the right to change opinions and cravings, right?
See the recipe here.
Bad blogger, bad.
I have been making all kinds of food that worked and made complete gluttons out of S and me and, ehm, some that didn't.
I'll share those that did work because I'm vain and too proud to share with you my kitchen fiascos.
Well, the truth is I just rarely take pictures of the flops.
They annoy the hell out of me.

Greek gemista. My favorite dish, ever. I used to go straight for the stuffed peppers but now I prefer the stuffed tomatoes. People have the right to change opinions and cravings, right?
See the recipe here.

Spanakopita. Spanako-pita. Spa-na-ko-pi-ta. S-p-a-n-a-k-o-p-i-t-a. The majestic.
That's Greek spinach pie to you.
See the recipe here.

Kritharokouloures aka Greek dried barley rusks. Traditional recipe from the island of Crete. By making these, I managed to bring a small part of the island into my little expat kitchen.
My favorite combination: kritharokouloures + kefalograviera (Greek cheese much like Gruyère) for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The first time I made chocolate ice cream. A complete success thanks to my ice cream god, David Lebovitz.
S, in between spoonfuls of ice cream, staring at me with disbelief: " are you sure you made this?"
I think he had a death wish.
(I made it again! Check out the recipe)

It was S's birthday last week. I made chocolate truffles to bring to his office for his co-workers. The ones with hagelslag (Dutch for sprinkles) were a huge hit. The Dutch loooove their sprinkles.
(Recipe here)
P.S. Some of the photos were taken with S's iPhone that's why their quality is not the best. (By the way, I can't stand iPhones, I don't get why everybody has one, I had to say it, sorry baby)