huge announcement!! I moved to SUBSTACK!

The end of an era - moving my blog to Substack

Hello friends! How are you? Long time, no see! I have a huge announcement to make. I decided to move all my work (posts and recipes)...

Friday, February 13, 2015

Inspiration | February 2015

While I’m struggling with an awful cold I caught a few days ago and daydreaming about the day I get my taste back so I can eat my favorite fruits and cupcakes (that's what I'm craving these days), I realized it’s been a while since I shared with you some sources of inspiration. So, here they are. There’s a few of them so make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and sit comfortably.

Loved this movie.
This one too.
I look forward to watching this one.

Listening to a lot of Fiona Apple lately. This is on repeat and can’t wait for this to be released.

Loved the first season of this series. Now waiting for the second season.
Also, Louie. Nuff said.

Salvador Dali’s illustrations of Alice in Wonderland and of the zodiac signs.
These food illustrations.

Food photography:
And here.
I’m intrigued by cinemagraphs. Here.
And here.

“Fire and cooking meat is very fragile, tender and feminine”
2015 food trends? Will you be embracing them?
How to eat sushi.
I love a good bakery and pâtisserie and I want to visit each and every one of these. Well, a couple of them I already have. Any others you’d add to the list?
Health food for foodies.
What grandmothers cook around the world.

Girl stuff:
Lisa Eldridge’s make-up tutorials are the best. I love this one in particular.
DIY skincare.
If you’re a fan of the cat-eye.

I usually don’t like quotes, but this and this are good ones.

The A toZ of dance.
This photograph.
This documentary.

Old loves.
Dutch ingenuity.
I love Paris as much as the next person but I wouldn’t live here. Would you?
This room, full of light.

Have a happy weekend!
The cupcakes I made the other day.