Today, I made the most beautiful loaf of bread.

If it was possible for someone to fall in love with bread, I would be in love with this loaf.

And it's not all looks, it has substance, baby.
Moist, airy, delicious crumb.
Super crispy, caramelized, crunchy crust (all the good 'c' words).

This is sourdough bread. My sourdough bread that I made with my own sourdough starter. Yes. I made a sourdough starter and he's the best (it's a he. I won't tell you his name yet. I'm a bit shy).

Here, accompanied by my new favorite find, the juicy kumato—I'm crazy about its sweet flavor—and a sprinkling of Maldon sea salt flakes.

So, no recipe today, just a blatant display of my bread-baking accomplishments.

I'll be back, talking your ear off again, soon.
Till then!

P.S. I'm currently obsessed with this song. '86 rules.
And don't forget, "it takes guts to be gentle and kind".